50 questions et réponses d’entretien sur l’API Web Asp Net 2023

ASP.NET Web API provides features like content negotiation, routing, and model binding, making it easier to build scalable and interoperable APIs. ASP.NET incorporates a wide range of features and functionalities to support various web application requirements. It provides robust security features, such as authentication and authorization mechanisms, to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive parts of an application. It also includes built-in support for data access, allowing developers to interact with databases using different data providers and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) frameworks.

  • Interpreted code is not directly executed by the machine, but must be read and interpreted each time before being executed.
  • Additional functionality can be stacked on as NuGet packages, which reduces the application size and memory consumption while providing high performance and easier maintenance.
  • An updated version of the entity framework, EF Core is an object/relational mapping framework that is lightweight, open source, expandable and provides multi-platform support.
  • At Wakefly, Matt upholds a process-driven standard of excellence to deliver exceptional quality and value.
  • Compiled code is usually faster and more scalable than interpreted code, and can do anything interpreted code can do.
  • In ASP.NET, for example, a Web page is treated as an object — even a tag can be treated as an object.

It also supports test-driven development and gives you complete control over markup while being able to use the latest web standards. As mentioned at the start of this article, all .NET compilers interpret and compile your code to the same base language, IL (intermediate language, akin to Java bytecode) to run on the CLR (Common Language Runtime). This means you can happily use Visual Basic.NET and receive the same performance and functionality of those traditionally more powerful languages like C++. ASP.NET is a web framework designed by Microsoft Inc. that is extensively used to build robust web applications.

Comment pouvons-nous nous assurer que l’API Web renvoie uniquement des données JSON ?

Like ASP.NET, it is open source, created by Microsoft and allows developers to create web applications, web services, and dynamic content-driven websites. First released in 2016, ASP.NET Core is relatively new, but has already received a 2.0 release and is now a stable alternative to Windows-hosted ASP.NET web applications. Developers who know ASP.NET can leverage their existing knowledge of C# and can quickly pick up the framework differences introduced in ASP.NET Core.

In this article, we will analyze why ASP.NET should be chosen over other accessible web frameworks. Websites and applications built with ASP.NET can be faster and more efficient than a website build with PHP, why use asp.net for example. ASP.NET applications are compiled, which means the code is translated into object code, which is then executed. This compilation process takes a small amount of time, but happens only once.

Integration with Microsoft Technologies

ASP.NET integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft technologies such as SQL Server, Azure cloud services, Active Directory, and more. This integration simplifies development and provides a cohesive ecosystem for enterprise applications. ASP.NET MVC is a lightweight framework that emphasizes separation of concerns and provides more control over the generated HTML. It follows the MVC pattern, where models represent data, views handle user interfaces, and controllers manage application flow and logic.

why use asp.net

It is responsible for executing managed code written in languages such as C#, Visual Basic, and F#. The CLR provides various services, including memory management, type safety, exception handling, and security. It also offers Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, which translates the intermediate language (IL) code into machine code for efficient execution. Say, for example, you have an existing ASP.NET 4.6 application that you intend to migrate to .NET Core. You want to take advantage of ASP.NET Core features like TagHelpers, Dependency Injection, etc., but you aren’t ready or able to use .NET Core framework.

Web Building

Reach out to our team today to explore how our ASP.NET development services can meet your unique requirements. If you’ve got a bunch of existing Windows servers with IIS on them, you’re going to need to install additional software on each of them and set them up to run Core applications. The biggest problems facing developers is managing complexity and keeping code « clean ». MVC gives the developer the reins to leverage OOP to tuck away complexity and make code easy on the eyes. Additionally, something that has changed over the last several years is that even many corporate intranet applications now need to support home/remote use, making MVC more attractive to that crowd than it had been.

why use asp.net

It’s also worth noting at the time VB.NET is not supported by .NET Core if that’s a requirement. Use MVC if all your team members are skilled enough to manage « control over HTML », otherwise your code will turn into a tag soup. After linking this to a service page (a one-line instruction contained within a .asmx file), we have exposed this method and its functionality on the Web, ready for all to use (or consume). ASP.NET API is an API application model (Application Programming Interface). However, the development of ASP.NET 5 was stopped in favor of


Key components of .NET Core

It provides features like caching, session management, and support for load balancing, which help in improving scalability and performance. To get started with .NET, all you need is a box with a modern version of Windows installed (ASP.NET requires IIS 5.0 or above, meaning Windows 2000 or XP Pro are required for serving Web applications). When a .NET application is compiled, it’s not compiled to machine code. Instead, .NET applications are compiled to IL (Intermediate Language), which is akin to Java bytecode. When the application is executed, it is then compiled into native executable code, which is managed by the Common Language Runtime (CLR). This architecture is known as Managed Code, and gives your applications a great deal of tolerance out of the box.

why use asp.net

The article aims to highlight the importance of developing a robust HR technology strategy. ASP.NET is known for its performance optimizations and efficient request handling. It includes features like just-in-time compilation, native optimization, and output caching, which contribute to faster response times and improved application performance.

Comment restreindre les méthodes d’accès à des verbes HTTP spécifiques dans l’API Web ?

Lastly, the extensive ecosystem and support for various programming languages, including C# and Visual Basic, make ASP.NET a versatile platform. Developers can leverage the vast array of libraries, tools, and frameworks available to streamline development, enhance productivity, and reduce time-to-market. Furthermore, the active and vibrant community around ASP.NET ensures continuous updates, improvements, and ample resources for developers to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of web development. In recent years, Microsoft has introduced ASP.NET Core, which is the next generation of ASP.NET. ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform and open-source framework that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It brings significant improvements in performance, modularity, and flexibility compared to the previous versions of ASP.NET.

It provides features like dependency injection, middleware pipeline, and support for modern web development technologies like Razor Pages and Blazor. ASP.NET Web API is a framework that enables developers to build HTTP services that can be consumed by various clients, including web browsers, mobile devices, and desktop applications. It supports the development of RESTful APIs by leveraging standard HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and content negotiation techniques. Web API is widely used for building scalable and interoperable web services, making it a crucial component for building modern web applications. Unlike client-side frameworks that render most of the user interface on the client’s browser, ASP.NET performs rendering on the server before sending the final HTML to the client. This approach provides benefits such as improved performance, search engine optimization (SEO), and better support for older browsers.

MVC Architecture

Of course, with the positives come certain negatives, most principally the lack of full cross-platform support with .NET. As with spoken languages, the availability of information in the form of example differs from language to language. While you may be able to read and express anything you would wish to in Esperanto, to read the majority of content on the Web, you’ll still need a decent grasp of English. You may choose Eiffel.NET as the language with which to develop your applications, yet most examples and references you’ll find will be coded in either C# or VB.NET.